
don't be stress, just

I had lunch at The Apartment

chicken surprise

Unlike a lot of the lifestyle concept restaurants in Jakarta, The Apartment is friendly and inviting, although they didn't allow me to take photos :'(. Perhaps they thought I might do something as nefarious as telling you how nice the decor is and shock, horror, actually showing you! The decor is a 21st century take on 1960's and 70's kitsch, with an emphasis on cosiness and comfort. The space is divided into 6 main areas - the bedroom, the lounge, the kitchen/dining room, the library/study, the bathroom and the terrace. The former 4 employ lots of wood and hues of red and orange to create a relaxing space, while the latter is cold and bright and a little echoey, perfect for having a little singing-in-the-shower moment while enjoying the food, much to other diners' probable disdain. The terrace area is covered and looks bright and airy. I believe that The Apartment has something to offer everyone in Jakarta's restaurant going populace.

today's question

why is it so easy to fall in love but so hard to find my way out?

if I had a girlfriend,